Pubblicazioni e links
Novità del Gruppo dei regolatori europei per i servizi postali (GREP, luglio 2019)
- Press release of the 2nd ERGP Stakeholders Forum, held in Brussels, 18.09.2019 - Information about the 2nd Stakeholders Forum, 18.09.2019 - Information about the public consultations on the WP 2020 and on MTS 2020-2022
- Press release on the approval of the Opinion on review of the regulatory framework: can be found in the folder “meetings”:
- Press release about the Plenary I: can be found in the folders “meetings”:
Copenhagen Economics: Main Developments in the Postal Sector (2013-2016), publicazione luglio 2018
Copenhagen Economics: Main Developments in the Postal Sector (2013-2016), schede paesi, publicazione luglio 2018
WIK: Main Developments in the Postal Sector (2010-2013), published in August 2013 (PDF, 5 MB)
Bericht zu branchenüblichen Mindeststandards im Paketmarkt 2008 (PDF, 1,81 MB)
- DATEC - Imprese parastatali
- Organo di conciliazione
- ERGP: European Regulators Group for Postal Services in inglese
- CEN: Comitato europeo di normalizzazione in tedesco, francese e inglese
- CEPT: European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations in inglese
- UPU : Weltpostverein in francese e inglese