Industry-standard working conditions
All companies subject to reporting requirements must comply with the working conditions customary in the industry. PostCom monitors whether the companies in question comply with this obligation. Providers of postal services who are subject to the obligation to notify must confirm in the annual report that they have concluded a collective employment agreement (CEC) or that they meet the minimum requirements set out in the Postal Services Commission Ordinance on the Minimum Standards for Working Conditions in the Postal Services Sector (PostMSO), SR 783.016.2). If a provider has concluded a collective employment contract (CEC) with its staff, the working conditions customary in the sector are deemed to be fulfilled. Postal service providers oblige their subcontractors to comply with the working conditions customary in the postal services sector if their turnover from postal services amounts to more than 50% of total turnover.
The following factors are used to assess whether an individual provider complies in practice with industry-standard working conditions:
- Collective employment agreements in the postal sector or related sectors (e.g. logistics, transport, depending on the particular circumstances)
- Individual employment agreements in companies subject to the duty to register
- Internal guidelines etc. of companies applying.
PostCom sets out the industry-standard working conditions in the annual reporting process. The actual annual pay levels of the operative employees is evaluated.
If a company does not have a collective employment agreement, it must demonstrate to PostCom that it has conducted or is conducting negotiations on such an agreement with employee associations.